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Hi There

· One min read
Fullstack Developer

How are you? I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. My name is hope. I am a software engineer and a full time student. I created this website to share my thoughts and new things I have learned. I hope you enjoy it.

So let me explain how I structured this website! I promise you I won't bore you with the details :D

These are the main sections of the website:

So let's start with the main page.

Main Page

It is the home page of the website. It contains some basic information about me and a list of my recent projects. If you click on the 'Get Started' button, you will be redirected to the docs page.


NEXT! Let's go to the docs page. It contains a list of docs I have written. You can click on the 'Get Started' button to go to the first docs.

After you finish reading all my docs, you can check out my projects. I'm sure you will find something you like ;)